Your website is your home on the web, where your best sales person resides.


Your website, if done right, warmly greets your website visitor, assuring him that he’s in the right place. Your website answers common questions, builds rapport, and asks for the sale. And when you wake up in the morning, your website has closed the deal. That’s what a great website does for your business.


A great website doesn’t happen by choosing a template and uploading your logo. My background in marketing and communications (and my innate curiosity) helps to ensure that the content we put out there about your business moves your website visitor along in his sales journey.

Let’s Build Your Website


Well before coding and ‘what’s it going to look like?’ it starts here, with a great idea, highlighting what makes you stand apart from the crowd.


Now that that is figured out, how does it all fit together? “Information architecture” is the process of taking everything that you have to say, and structuring it into an “easy to find” layout on your website.


Let’s make it pretty. If I’ve done my job correctly, I put it all together, in Photoshop, show you a static image of exactly what your website is going to look like, and you are happy as a clam.


Building websites is easy, especially if you have a blueprint. And while modern website builders make the job of constructing a website even easier, most of the time I still flip to, “show me the code” and DIY.


Let’s make sure it all works. We test for browser compatibility and responsiveness, so that no matter how a visitor is accessing your site, or on which device, it’s a top-notch browsing experience.


That’s a lot of work, isn’t it? Absolutely we’re going to celebrate a job well done! A great website is a tragedy, if no one knows it exists. Which leads us to the next phase: digital marketing.

Let's talk about your Website Project!

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240 523 3809

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